Concern India Foundation works across the spectrum with initiatives such as scholarships, girl child education, livelihood support, watershed management, training NGOs, village development, mangrove conservation and much more. We have touched the lives of children, youth, women, people with disabilities, elderly, farmers, weavers and other vulnerable individuals in both rural and urban areas.
We identify programmes based under three core categories:
Formal education
After-school support
Digital education
Life Skill education
Scholarships for:
Girl child, professional and higher education
Higher education for youth with disabilities
Skills development in School:
life skills, English speaking, financial literacy, career counselling, mentoring, sports training
School in the Cloud
Education for children with disabilities
Setting up STEM labs, libraries, sports units and e-learning in government and low-income schools
Strengthening school infrastructure
Rural interventions
Enhancing livelihoods for women
Weavers and artisans’ enhancement
Vocational training
Elderly care
Natural resource management:
Watershed & infrastructure building
Biodiversity Conservation: Mangroves restoration, Tree plantation, Pond and Lake Revival Projects
Water and Sanitation in rural areas
Renewable energy